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ELITE Building Support Ltd

This website (“site”) is owned and operated by Elite Building Support Ltd (“ELITE Building Support Ltd”, “us” or “we”)

Health & Safety





Statement of Intent


An employee’s health and safety is of paramount importance to the company and it is a legal requirement to provide safe and healthy working conditions. Every effort will be made to ensure that both the provisions and the spirit of the Health and Safety at Work Act are satisfied at all times.


The company will ensure that all employees receive health and safety training and information that will help them to stay safe at work. However, all employees also have their own responsibilities that are detailed later in this policy.


It is our policy to ensure a commitment to comply with current legislation and any other requirements we may subscribe to, including a commitment to continual improvement.


It is the policy of Elite Building Support Ltd to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the Health, Safety and Welfare of all its employees and any other persons who may be affected by its acts or omissions.


Elite Building Support Ltd will therefore conduct its activities in order:


  • To provide adequate control of the Health and Safety risks arising from our work activities, placing health, safety and welfare in the highest category of management responsibility.

  • To provide and maintain a safe place of work for all its’ employees and other persons on the company premises.

  • To provide suitable and adequate information, instruction, supervision and training, ensuring all employees are competent to do their tasks.

  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety and to encourage all employees to involve themselves with our philosophy regarding Health and Safety.

  • To provide adequate, effective control, monitoring systems and review of the measures arranged for the policy and procedures adopted by the company.

  • To provide safe systems of working.


This policy is supported by instructions, Procedures and Organisational arrangements and is applied to all activities undertaken by Elite Building Support Ltd.


This policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in size and nature and will be reviewed at least annually.


Signed:     Tibor Suiogan                                                                                          Dated: August 2019

Director Elite Building Support Ltd.






2.1 Managing Director


Overall responsibility for the health & safety of lies with Elite Building Support Ltd the Managing Director – Tibor Suiogan, who is solely responsible for the implementation of this health and safety policy and the following:


  • Arranging for the completion of risk assessments as required by the management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 and any other statutory provisions.


  • Ensuring that all aspects detailed in this policy are implemented, monitored and reviewed as determined necessary and for providing suitable funding to ensure this.


  • Ensuring that accidents and near misses are investigated and recorded.


  • Ensuring that those responsible to RIDDOR are done so correctly and on time.


  • Keeping up to date with the appropriate health and safety legislation.


  • Ensuring that the policy and risk assessments are reviewed regularly to ensure they are sufficient and up to date.


  • Providing suitable information, instruction, supervision and training to employees in order for them to satisfy their job roles and maintaining records of this; including any other specific training if identified in a risk assessment.


  • Ensuring that regular inspections are completed.


  • Arranging for the maintenance of all necessary plant and equipment and keeping records of such maintenance, in accordance with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.





2.2 Health and Safety Representative


Our assigned Health and Safety Representative is Tibor Suiogan, who has responsibility for the effective day to day implementation of this policy and the following;


  • The completion of suitable risk assessments and the full implementation of the necessary controls.


  • Ensuring that hazardous materials have been assessed and that all users have been provided with the assessment details, as required by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended 2005)


  • Arranging for the training of employees as determined – releasing operatives if necessary for any specialized off-site training.


  • Ensuring that First Aiders or appointed persons and all items of first aid equipment, as required by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, are available and their location is known to employees.


  • Arranging for all notifiable accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences to be reported in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries Disease Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995.


  • Ensuring that all accidents are dealt with accordingly, recorded in the accident book and investigated accordingly.


  • Arranging the storage of materials accordingly, as per the supplier safety data sheets, so as to avoid ignition sources and other areas of concern.


  • Accompanying Local Authority Enforcement Officers on any visits and implementing any recommendations.


  • Ensuring that a full fire rehearsal is completed at least once every 6 months.


  • Discouraging horseplay and reprimanding those who consistently fail to consider their own wellbeing and that of others around them.


  • Reporting defects in equipment or any obvious Health Risks to the Managing Director.


  • Setting a personal example.





2.3 Supervisor Responsibilities


Our Supervisors responsibilities are the day to day running of this safety policy and also for the following;


  • Completion of Site risk assessments as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.


  • Identifying the need for any PPE for our employees and ensuring this PPE is worn appropriately.


  • Ensuring our operatives are following the risk assessments and site instructions provided for their own safety and wellbeing.


  • Overall day to day implementation of this policy.


  • Ensuring that accidents are recorded in the site accident book and if necessary are reported to the health and safety representative.






2.4 Employee Responsibilities


You as an employee of the company are responsible for ensuring reasonable care for the Health, Safety and welfare of yourself and of other persons who may be affected by your acts or omissions whilst at work. You are responsible for the following:


  • Read and understand this Health and Safety policy.


  • To comply with us fully as far as is necessary to ensure that we, the company fulfil our legal duties to you and to others under our employment.


  • Not interfering with anything provided by the company for the interests of maintaining the health, safety and welfare of our employees or anything provided under the relevant legislation.

  • Ensuring that you wear the correct Personal Protective Equipment as instructed and provided.


  • Reporting all accidents, dangerous occurrences, or near misses to the Health and Safety Representative or Manager Director for recording in the accident book.


  • Reporting any defects in any piece of equipment to the Health and Safety Representative.


  • Use only the equipment that you have been instructed or trained to use.


  • Understanding that any breach of this Health and Safety policy, procedures and the Method Statements implemented will be seen as gross-misconduct and will lead to the necessary disciplinary action as stated in the Employees Handbook.


Refusal to work


All employees should be made aware of their right to refuse to work if they feel that the risks involved to themselves or others are too great.


If an employee feels that there are grounds under the Health and Safety at Work Act to refuse to work, that employee must inform the supervisor immediately. We will then review the relevant risk assessment and where reasonable practicable introduce new risk control measures.


This review will be carried out in consultation with the employee(s). Employee(s) who have invoked the refusal to work process will be free from any disciplinary action by us and/or any discrimination.





2.5 Contractors and Sub-Contractors

All Contractors and Sub-Contractors to the Company are responsible for ensuring that they undertake their duties under section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974;

  • Ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable that work undertaken under the control of, Elite Building Support Ltd does not constitute a Health and Safety risk to any person who may be affected by those activities.

  • Agreeing with our Health and Safety policy and method statements, prior to the commencement of any contract, in writing if necessary.

  • Providing Elite Building Support Ltd with a copy of their own safety policy and method statements.

  • Provide suitable and sufficient risk assessments as required under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999 and any other relevant statutory provisions.





2.6 Trainees, Apprentices and Young Persons


Special attention shall be paid to the activities of trainees and young persons who will be unfamiliar with the type of work and responsibilities for safe working that go with it.

No person will be allowed to operate any equipment or carry out any process for which they have not received training or have not been authorised, except as part of that training under the direct supervision of a trained and competent person.                                                                                                                                                    

Trainees and young persons will comply with all safety instructions given to them by their instructors whilst ‘in company’ and during periods of off-the-job training.

All trainees will undergo the company induction and a record of training will be kept as with other employee’s.






2.7 External Safety Advisor


Elite Building Support Ltd has an in-house Health and Safety Representative who researches and advises as necessary on matters of Health & Safety. Our Managing Director has overall responsibility for Health and Safety within the company

Both are responsible for:

  • Advice on any new Health and Safety Legislation and ensuring the company’s continued compliance.

  • Carrying out regular reviews of the Health and Safety Policy

  • Ensuring that regular reviews and audits of the safe working systems are completed.




3.1 Risk Assessments


It is a duty of all employees to carry out risk assessments on the necessary tasks in the workplace, in accordance with regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999, to identity risks to the Health and Safety of employees whilst at work.

These have been carried out and are reviewed when considered necessary or as a result of any of the following;

  • Significant change in equipment

  • Change in location

  • Deviation of task

  • Change in staff

  • Alteration in the coherent legislation.

Through our risk assessment process where risks and hazards are identified, the necessary steps are taken to reduce or dispose of those risks and hazards as much as is reasonably practicable to do so.

When carrying out our risk assessments consideration shall be given to the following;

  • Patterns of work e.g. shift work

  • Experience of workers and staff

  • New practices

  • Task in hand

  • Bystanders

  • Equipment

When determining controls, or considering changes to existing controls, consideration shall be given to reducing the risks according to the following hierarchy;

  • Elimination

  • Substitution

  • Isolation

  • Reduction

  • Safe systems of work

  • Good Housekeeping

  • Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision

  • Personal Protective Equipment



3.2 COSHH, Hazardous Substances and Storage


Elite Building Support Ltd shall comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended 2005) to ensure that wherever possible, exposure to substances hazardous to health is prevented, or where not practical, the exposure is controlled.

Prior to the use of any substance, a suitable and sufficient assessment will be completed to determine any risks to health involved in its use.

This will be based on the data provided from the safety data sheets obtained from the supplier, any personal experiences and any information from other sources such as the HSE or other guidance documents.

The assessments shall in all but trivial of cases, be documented and the findings made available to our employees as necessary.

All substances shall be stored and handled as per the supplier instructions laid down in the safety data sheet and this is communicated to our employees.

Training is given to any employee who is likely to use a chemical. This should include the use of any equipment, the application of the chemical, protective clothing and emergency procedures.

Note: When purchasing any new material for use by Elite Building Support Ltd, the person buying is responsible for obtaining the relevant health and safety data sheet on purchase to enable us to complete a suitable COSHH assessment.




3.3 Consultation with Employees


The communication of Health & Safety information and policies begins during our basic Induction training which includes our basic work instructions and also this health and safety policy.

Site instructions are communicated during the initial site induction and the associated risk assessment for that site is also included. Information with regards to specific risks and hazardous substances will be communicated here along with procedures for;

  • Fire

  • First Aid

  • Accident and incident reporting etc.


As the need arises, other information may be communicated to our guards, this may include:

  • Statements that relate to specific, one-off tasks

  • Review of the risk assessment(s)

  • New control measures

  • New Assignment Instructions


We will also consult with our guards, on matters regarding health and safety wherever possible in order to consider their views and opinions prior to the implementation of any change on a site as necessary.





3.4 Fire Prevention and Control


As required by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, we have completed a fire risk assessment and assessed our risks to fire, recorded the significant findings and have implemented the necessary measures to control them by means of good housekeeping, awareness and good practices.

We have provided suitable firefighting equipment and the means of escape in the event of a fire; all escape routes are detailed through signs located around our building. Escape plans can also be found, these including information relating to exits; assembly points and the procedure for calling 999.

During the office induction training fire awareness is included to ensure staff are familiar with the requirements of the causes and nature of the fire e.g. common hazards such as electrical equipment, smoking etc.

Fire Procedures

The objective of the fire procedure is to ensure the safety of all employees, contracts, suppliers and visitors to the site. This procedure will ensure that, in the event of an evacuation, all personnel are accounted for. It is imperative that all procedures are adhered to.

  • All personnel must sign in at the start of work and sign out when leaving the premises

  • Upon suspecting or discovering a fire, smash the nearest break glass point or sound the nearest siren

  • Do NOT attempt to deal with the fire unless training has been given to do so

  • On hearing the fire alarm, ensure that any personnel in affected buildings are evacuated via the nearest safe exit. Do not run unless absolutely necessary

  • Exit the building and go to the nearest designated fire alarm assembly point.

Fire Drills

Office fire drills are rehearsed at least twice annually to ensure familiarisation of exits and procedures; however, this is also included in the basic induction training received upon first starting the company.

At no time, should anyone endanger themselves or others by fighting a fire, you should leave the building and report to the assembly point!

Do not ignore a fire alarm, even if there is a belief that it is a false alarm. If any employee does ignore a fire alarm warning it may lead to disciplinary action being taken against them for endangering themselves and others.



Site Fire Safety

Fire consideration on sites is included in the site instruction. Employees, however, are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the fire evacuation procedures and always ensure you are aware of the locations for assembly points and fire extinguishers.






3.5 First Aid


As required by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations we have provided suitable first aid facilities appropriate to the workforce and tasks in hand and have assessed these facilities to be adequate.

The first aid box will hold first aid equipment only and will be protected from dust and damp. Medicines, even those for general sale, are not first aid items and neither is it part of a first aider’s duty to dispense them.

First Aid boxes shall be kept in accordance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations and shall be sited so that an employee has rapid access; employees are made aware of first aid locations and their contents.

Information will also be made available to staff during induction training about any certain potential hazardous areas of the business that may require localised treatments.

Replenishing of First Aid Facilities

Our First Aid boxes are regularly checked and replenished as determined necessary.

Should you remove or use anything from a first aid box, please ensure you notify the Managing Director who will ensure it is replaced.

Site First Aid

The assessment of first aid on our customer’s site will be completed and the supervisor will determine if the first aid facilities available are adequate.

Should there be any site where the facilities provided by the customer are not considered adequate then the following will either occur;

  • Customer will provide further facilities to the employee

  • Elite Building Support Ltd will arrange adequate first aid facilities on their behalf.






3.6 Accident Reporting and Investigation


Definition – an accident is any unplanned event that results in ill health of people, or damage or loss to property, plant, materials or the environment or a loss of business opportunity.

Should an accident occur, regardless of the associated or any injury it is reported to the Health and Safety Representative, who will ensure it is recorded in the accident book.

Accidents will be investigated as determined necessary and as determined by the Health and Safety Representative, consideration given to the severity of the accident and the potential for it to happen again

The results of these investigations will be documented and recorded and if necessary the risk assessment reviewed with any new control measures implemented as need be.

All documentation relating to accidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences will be retained for at least three years.

Should that accident, incident or near miss become reportable to the HSE as defined by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995, then it is the Health and Safety Representatives responsibility to do so.

This will be completed by selecting the web link below and through completion of the relevant form depending on what needs to be reported;


Although all incidents can be reported online, serious incidents where there are major or multiple injuries or fatality(s); an incident line is provided to ensure they are reported within 24 hours;            0845 300 9923

There is a definitive list of accidents detailed in the regulations and in most accident books, however, as an example;

a) Fracture of the skull

b) Fracture of any bone in the arm or wrist, (but not a bone in the hand), or in the leg or ankle (but not a bone in the foot)

c) Amputation of a hand or foot, or a finger, thumb or toe, or any part thereof if the joint or bone is completed severed.                                                                                                                                                                  d) The loss of sight in an eye, a penetrating injury to an eye, or a chemical or hot metal burn to the eye                                    e) Injury whereby a member of the public is taken from a scene to hospital

f) Loss of consciousness                                                         

g) Decompression sickness                                                                                                                                       

h) Any other injury that results in the injured person being admitted immediately into hospital for more than 24 hours.                                                                                                                                                             

i) Incapacitation for more than SEVEN consecutive days (excluding the day of the accident but including any days that would not have been working days).                                                                                      

j) A person dies as a result of an accident at work, or in connection with work.


The following are reportable dangerous occurrences:

a) Collapse of any lift, hoist, crane, derrick or mobile powered access platform but not any winch eagle, pulley block, gin wheel, transporter or runway.                                                                                                   

b) Electrical short circuit or overload attended by fire or explosion which resulted in the stoppage of the plant involved for more than 24 hours.                                                                                                                      

c) An explosion of fire occurring in any plant or place that resulted in the stoppage of that plant or suspension of normal work in that place for more than 24 hours.


When associated with work activities the following diseases are to be reported to the HSE as soon as written diagnosis is received from a Doctor:

a) Poisoning-acryl amide, arsenic, benzene and derivatives, beryllium, cadmium, carbon disulphate, diethylene dioxide, ethylene oxide, lead, manganese, mercury, methyl bromide, nitrogen oxide and phosphorous                                                                                      

b) Skin diseases-chrome ulcer, folliculitis, acne, or skin cancer, radiation skin injury                                                        

c) Lung diseases-occupational asthmas, extrinsic alveolus’s, pneumoconiosis, byssinosis, mesothelioma, bronchial or lung cancer                                                                                                                                       

d) Infections-leptospirosis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, illness caused by pathogens                                                             

e) Other conditions- bone cancer, cataracts, nasal or sinus cancer, angiosarcoma, urinary tract cancer, vibration white finger.






3.7 Training


Elite Building Support Ltd recognises its responsibility under current regulations to ensure that sufficient training is provided for all personnel to enable them to carry out their duties in compliance with current health and safety regulations and codes of practice.

All newly recruited members of staff receive induction training which covers the Health and Safety policy plus any necessary procedures and documents. Should areas of specialised training be identified they will be completed as soon as practicable.

All personnel will receive sufficient training to enable them to carry out their duties with the least possible risk to their, or others health and safety. Any personnel who have not been trained for specific tasks will not be required to carry out those tasks until they have been sufficiently trained. No employee will be expected to undertake work where he or she is not adequately trained or under the direct supervision of a trained employee.

Refresher training shall be arranged as the need arises, as new equipment is introduced, an accident has occurred or annually if required.

Induction Training

Prior to the commencement of any works on site an assignment induction/ training will be formally completed and will include the following;

  • Risk Assessments

  • Emergency Procedures

  • First Aid requirements

  • Any other pertinent information





3.8 Monitoring and Review


All employees are encouraged to bring to the attention of the Management, any area that they consider inadequate with regards to Health and Safety. Management will consider this and where possible, further safety procedures will be developed and implemented to reduce the risk.

Our Health and Safety Representative will undertake regular Safety Audits or the workplace for the purpose of identifying actual and potential hazards to the workforce and the environment and to ensure all policies, procedures and method statements are being followed.

Where hazards or Risks are encountered, the current risk assessments and Method Statements will be examined to determine whether further control measures can be taken to reduce those Hazards or Risks.

This policy document will be subject to annual review, or as any member or management deem necessary where any changes will be make, i.e. new legislations, new staff etc.

Areas to be covered include;

  • Management involvement

  • Employee involvement

  • Provision of personal protective equipment

  • Safety Training

  • Control of Hazardous Substances and their assessments

  • Fire Prevention

  • Accident Reporting

  • Risk Assessment

  • Record Keeping.






3.9 General Safety and Welfare


We recognise that work areas should be safe places to work in and that we should do our very best to ensure comfort within the workplace environment.

All personnel are aware of good housekeeping practices; it is the individual’s responsibility to ensure this.


We shall ensure that any enclosed workplaces will be sufficiently well ventilated so that stale air and air which is hot or humid, is replaced at a reasonable rate.

In most cases, windows or other openings will be all that is required, but have identified areas where this is insufficient and thus have implemented mechanical ventilation as necessary.

Temperature in Indoor Workplaces

We shall ensure that the temperature in our workplace shall provide reasonable comfort without the need for special clothing. The temperature should be at least 16.0 c, however, where much of the work is strenuous the temperature should be at least 13.0 c.


The lighting levels shall be sufficient to enable people to work, use the facilities and move from place to place safely without experiencing eye strain. In all cases the lighting levels in the workplace will be between 350-500 lux.

Lights should not become obscured and shall be replaced, repaired and cleaned as determined necessary. Natural light will be used in preference of artificial light.


Every workplace and the furniture and fittings therein will be sufficiently clean. Floors are cleaned at least once per week.

We operate a simple housekeeping rule; it is an individual’s responsibility to ensure their own workspace is kept clean and tidy and so as to ensure tidiness for everyone else.

Room Dimensions and Space

We shall ensure that workrooms have enough free space to allow people get to and from workstations, machinery and to move within the offices and workshop with ease.


The minimum defined space per person is 11 cubic metres, but this may be insufficient in the workshop where much of the room is taken up by furniture, equipment and machinery.

Sanitary Conveniences and Washing Facilities

We have ensured that suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences and washing facilities have been provided and are maintained.

Drinking Water 

We have provided an adequate supply of wholesome drinking water for all persons at work in the workplace.

Drinking cups or beakers are provided and a means for washing them provided.

Accommodation for Clothing, Changing Facilities, Rest and Eating Meals

We have provided suitable accommodation for staff’s own personal clothing. Suitable eating facilities are available, which include a facility for preparing or obtaining a hot drink. 






3.10 Electrical Equipment


The inspection of plugs and cables for loose connections and faults shall be carried out by the operative every time they start to use any equipment and report any defects found to the Health and Safety Representative.

All electrical equipment is periodically checked and serviced and tested by a qualified electrician and this is recorded, all electrical equipment is P.A.T. tested yearly and is labelled “Passed” dated and signed. Under no circumstances is equipment to be used if there is no P.A.T. Test label present or if the equipment has failed the P.A.T. Test and is labelled so.

Do not use any equipment that does not show an appropriate PAT Test label; please check that this can be seen before using any equipment.

All equipment will be kept in a clean and safe working condition and it is the responsibility of the operative to ensure this is so. If any problems are found with machinery being used it should be reported to the Health and Safety Representative, who will inspect the machine/equipment in question and decide what action is necessary.

Under no circumstances should equipment be used if the operative is unsure about the safety of the machine or of the electrical socket being used. If unsure, the operative should immediately cease their activity and report the incident to the aforementioned person.




3.11 Manual Handling


Risk assessments will be completed for those employees that undertake any lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling as necessary and any personnel involved in the will be made aware to the risks involved and these risks will be minimized and controlled wherever possible.

Manual Handling will be avoided if a safer way is practical; jobs will be designed to fit the work to the person rather than the person to the work, considering human practical capabilities and physical strength.

Remember! NEVER attempt to lift or carry something you know you cannot handle.

Think! Why not try

  • Using the mechanical help available

  • Making the loads smaller. Lighter or easier to grip

  • Changing the layout of the work area

  • Lifting in teams, having a colleague to assist you

  • NEVER attempt to lift something you know you cannot handle!

ALWAYS assess the load in terms of the following before even attempting to carry an item;

  • Load size

  • Bulkiness of the item

  • Intrinsically harmful, eg. Sharp, hot

  • Location to be carried/moved to and from

  • Location of load, eg. Overstretching or stooping

  • Access of item, is the area cluttered? (Thus, the proper lifting technique cannot be fulfilled)

When lifting, or carrying etc. always remember the following;

  • Stop and think, Plan the lift. Is help required? Is the area free of obstruction?

  • Place the feet correctly – feet apart, leading leg forward

  • Get a firm grip – keep your arms inside the boundary formed by your legs

  • Do not jerk – lift and move smoothly

  • Move the feet – do not twist the body

  • Keep close to the load

  • Put the load down and then adjust

Extra care should be taken when lifting or carrying at height, particularly if there are awkward hand or arm movements involved as these can lead to disorders of the arm or neck.



3.12 Personal Protective Equipment


We shall comply fully with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992 and will ensure that when selecting work equipment, it will be suitable for its purpose and use.

All Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be issued to control risks but only as a last resort of protection. All supervisory and management staff will set a good example in the wearing of protective clothing and equipment where appropriate.

The need for any personal protective equipment will be identified in the site risk assessment, and it is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that this is provided and worn by the employees.

Note: although this PPE is issued; it is not always required to be worn whilst on company activities; this information can be found in the assignment instructions for the particular site at hand.

All PPE is freely available to our employees; where there is a requirement for a replacement is it down to the employee to request it; the status and use of PPE is however, checked during supervisor checks and should any be provided it will be recorded in the supervisor report issues.

Employees are required to wear the correct PPE at all times, ensuring they are kept in a clean and useable condition, reporting any defects immediately to their direct supervisor who will arrange for a replacement as necessary.

If any employee is of the opinion that personal protective equipment is required or that the current provisions are inadequate this should be raised with management and the general risk assessment reviewed.




3.13 Display Screen Equipment


The company has a legal duty to ensure that workstations incorporating display screens meet the Health and Safety (Display Screens) Regulations. The workstation should be comfortable and easy to use. However, any problems should be reported to a line manager or supervisor, who will investigate the position and attempt to achieve a mutually acceptable solution.

Any employee, who is constantly using a screen, should attempt to break the work into segments which will allow non-screen work to be dealt with, at least every two hours and for at least 15 minutes. In the event that this cannot be arranged, employees are required to take a rest from the screen every 90 minutes for at least 5 minutes. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that this happens.

For any screen user regular eye sight testing is essential. Employees are required to have their eyes and eyesight tested by a suitably qualified person. The company will bear the cost of any eyesight test once every two years, but will also authorise an earlier test, if problems are experienced.

If the employee cannot use normal spectacles or lenses, to carry out their work at the screen, the company will bear the cost of special corrective lenses or spectacles. In the event that spectacles provided for an employee’s use are lost or damaged, the company may ask the employee to make a contribution towards their replacement.

Users of Display Screen equipment should be aware of their duties and responsibilities in respect of the company’s policies relating to confidential information.

There are many hazards associated from using display screen equipment for long periods of time, if work area is poor or if the user is sitting in constant awkward positions. The following should be considered as a minimum.

Display Screen

The Characters on screen should be well defined and clearly formed, of adequate size and with adequate spacing between the characters and lines. The image on screen will be stable with no flickering and brightness and contrast will be adjustable as necessary. The screen shall swivel and tilt easily to the user’s needs and the screen shall be free of reflective glare and reflections liable to cause discomfort to the user.


The keyboard shall be tilt able and separate from the screen, and the space in front of the keyboard shall be sufficient to provide support for the hands and arms of the user.


Work Desk or Work Surface

The work desk or work surface shall have sufficiently large, low reflective surface and allow flexible arrangement of the screen, keyboard, documents and related equipment. The document holder (if necessary) shall be stable and adjustable and shall be positioned so as to minimise the need for uncomfortable head and eye movements.

Work Chair

The chair shall be adjustable in height and have a back rest that is not only adjustable in height but can also tilt backwards and forwards. The chair will also be stable and will allow the user easy freedom of movement and a comfortable position.

If necessary, a footrest will be provided.


The workstation shall be dimensioned and designed so as to provide sufficient space for the user to change position and vary movements.

Room lighting or spot lighting shall ensure satisfactory lighting conditions and an appropriate contrast between the screen and background environment, windows will besfitted with blinds where appropriate.

User/Computer Interface

The software shall be suitable for the task(s) to be completed, and shall be easy to use and, where appropriate, adaptable to the user’s level of knowledge or experience.

Systems shall display information in a format and at a pace, which are and can be adapted to the user.




3.14 Driving at Work


Employees are encouraged to ensure that all vehicles are checked prior to embarking on any journey and these checks are to include the following:

  • All the lights and indicators are in working order

  • Tyre pressure and condition

  • The brakes are functioning correctly

  • The mirrors and windscreen are not damaged

  • The oil level is at the recommended level

  • There is sufficient brake fluid in the reservoir

  • The engine coolant is at the recommended level.

Mobile Phones; the following rules apply for when driving;

  • It is illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone whilst you are driving, stopped at traffic lights, in a traffic jam or in any other hold up. Hand-held phones may only be carried in the vehicle provided they are switched off and not checked during these periods

  • The only occasion under which a hand-held phone can be used whilst driving is to make a 999-emergency call, but only if it is not practical or safe to stop to make a call

  • Calls may be made and messages retrieved when the vehicle is safely and securely parked

  • Hand-free sets for mobile phones are legal to use. However, we expect all drivers to exercise their judgment in deciding when it is safe to make or receive phone calls. Drivers must retain full control of their vehicles at all times.

  • Calls made to and from a hands-free mobile phone should be kept as short as possible.

The Highway Code and Speed limits must always be obeyed;

  • 70mph on Motorways and Dual Carriageways.

  • 60mph on Single Carriageways

  • 20-30mph on Urban Roads.

Any changes to the condition of your driving license such as points and offences, it is your responsibility to ensure that the Managing Director is made aware and records these.

Any accidents need to be reported immediately to Elite Building Support Ltd who will instruct you accordingly.

In the event of a break-down, please ensure you pull over in a safe place and ensure you leave the vehicle with its hazard lights on. Never sit in the vehicle but instead stand alongside with the vehicle shielding you from the road.


3.15 Violence


Violence at work has been defined as “any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances related to their work”. Whilst this definition applies to all staff, some may be more at risk than others.

In our own workplace, we have identified the following groups of personnel as being most at risk;

  • Those who work outside of normal business hours, early morning or late at night

  • Any cash handlers (e.g. Visits to the bank)

  • Those who travel for business purposes

  • Lone Workers

  • Those who work on susceptible sites.

The safety of our staff is paramount, should you find yourself dealing with any rude or aggressive people, you must never return the aggression as this is how anger can escalate to violence.

Try to adopt a calm and reassuring attitude and speak slowly and gently. In the unlikely event that a situation escalates, staff should always withdraw from it.

Any incidents of violence must be entered in the accident book as well as being reported to the Health and Safety Representative. This includes all incidents of violence, threats or verbal abuse.




3.16 Drugs and Alcohol


The company aims to provide a safe and efficient working environment for its employees, suppliers, customers, clients, contractors and visitors. The use or possession of drugs (other than those prescribed for use by the employee from a medical practitioner) inside or outside of the workplace, is therefore likely to result in the disciplinary procedure being invoked.

In addition, the consumption of alcohol on company premises or reporting for work under the influence of alcohol is also likely to result in the disciplinary procedure being invoked.

A Manager, Supervisor, Operations Manager or other senior company Manager will decide whether they consider an employee to be influenced by alcohol or drugs by exercising their judgment in conjunction with a colleague, where possible. The key factor will be the general behaviour, actions and physical and visible state of the employee.

The company, however, understands that from time to time employees may find that they are unable to control their drug and alcohol intake and may need support and assistance.

If any employee has a problem and comes forward with it, the company may be able to assist them by offering treatment, counselling or other help and assistance, as appropriate. In these circumstances, the issue will usually be viewed as a medical problem rather than that of a disciplinary issue. It should be understood that whilst the company can never guarantee job continuance, every effort will be made to resolve problems of this nature jointly.

Alcohol and Drug Testing

The company reserves the right to test for evidence of named drugs and/or alcohol levels at any time without advance warning. The company expects employees to co-operate fully with any requests made of them in this respect. Refusal to cooperate may result in disciplinary action being invoked. 




3.17 Stress


We are a responsible employer and are aware of our duty of care regarding the mental health and welfare of our staff. For this reason, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that staff are not placed under excessive stress by their work.

Should any member of staff feel that they are suffering from an unacceptable level of work related stress, the employee should inform the Health and Safety Manager, who will treat the matter with sympathy and in confidence.

If necessary, we will carry out a specific stress risk assessment that will incorporate a review of the employee’s actual duties against those described in their job description. The findings of the risk assessment will be discussed with the employee and if appropriate, changes will be made to their role in order to reduce the levels of stress experienced.

If necessary, the employee may be referred to a doctor for a medical assessment or, alternatively, the employee may be offered counselling.

Whilst we are not responsible for causes of stress outside the working environment, we recognize that it can impact on an employee’s attendance and work performance. Therefore, we would encourage employees to make us aware of any problems which are causing them concern.

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